Arable Land
"A soil is not a pile of dirt. It is a transformer, a body that organises raw materials into tissues. These are the tissues that become the mother to all organic life." ~ William Bryant Logan
How Much Soil Is There?
"Pretend that this apple is the planet Earth, round, beautiful, and full of good things. Notice its skin, hugging and protecting the surface.Water covers approximately 75% of the surface. Right away, cut the apple in quarters. Put three quarters (75%) aside." ~NASA | Click for source
"The three quarters (75%) you just removed represents how much of the earth is covered with water - oceans, lakes, rivers, streams. What is left (25%) represents the dry land. 50% of that dry land is desert, polar, or mountainous regions where it is too hot, too cold or too high to be productive. So cut that dry land quarter in half and toss one piece away." ~NASA | Click for source
"The remaining 10% (approximately*)- this small fragment of the land area - represents the soil we depend on for the world's food supply. This fragment competes with all other needs - housing, cities, schools, hospitals, shopping centers, land fills, etc., etc. And, sometimes, it doesn't win. *There is difficulty within the scientific community in coming up with an exact figure." ~NASA | Click for source
"Dirt feeds us and gives us shelter . Dirt holds and cleans our water. Dirt heals us and makes us beautiful. Dirt regulates the earth’s climate. Dirt is the ultimate natural resource for all life on earth. Yet most humans ignore, abuse, and destroy our most precious living natural resource.Consider the results of such behavior: mass starvation, drought, floods, and global warming, and wars. If we continue on our current path, Dirt might find another use for humans, as compost for future life forms. It doesn’t have to be that way. Another world, in which we treat dirt with the respect it deserves, is possible and we’ll show you how." ~ DIRT! The Movie